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Ball Proposal Success!

This request came from Monet B. and Katie S. With their creative plan of asking their boyfriends, Nate and Grant, to ball with a scavenger hunt, my job was to create the envelopes and cards on which clues were to be written. With the request that the envelopes have numbers in black ink, and the cards inside had numbers in color, I created the images below. At each location along the way, the guys were to receive a card, a green or yellow balloon, and a flower, so that at their final destination, they'd have a card stack, a balloon bundle, and a flower bouquet. Clearly, super creative and so well thought-out by Monet and Katie. Thank you both for the fun opportunity, and I'm so glad things went well!


©2020 by Ella Do

All photos taken by Ella Do unless

credited otherwise.

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